GHRP-2 [5mg]
The peptide GHRP 2 is a preparation that stimulates the pituitary gland and hypothalamus of the human body. As a result of such effect, part of the brain begins actively developing its own growth hormone - somatotropin. And the hypothalamus which is responsible for the work of the autonomic nervous system supports normal hormonal background, which helps to improve overall health.
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About GHRP-2 [5mg]
GHRP 2 peptides have been proved to be effective and up to this day are the easiest and safest way to stimulate the production of growth hormone. As a result - strong growth of muscles and skeletal tissue on the cellular level without health injury. Moreover, the peptide’s beneficial effects on the hypothalamus helps to strengthen the immune system and the normalization of all organs and systems of the body. Best in combination with the peptide CJC 1295 (Mod GRF).
The effects of GHRP-2 [5mg] use
Active production of growth hormoneImproved appetiteA significant reduction of cholesterol level in bloodThe increase of lean body mass.Improvement of the general condition of the bones, ligaments and skin, which is similar to rejuvenating effectStrengthening the protective functions of the organism (immunity) and liverIncrease of the anti-inflammatory effects of the bodyApplication and dosage of GHRP-2 [5mg]
Standard dosage - 1-2 mcg per 1 kg of body weight. Generally - 200 mcg dosage three times a day. For prevention of premature aging it is enough with 1 injection per day Course duration is 6-8 weeks, after it you need to take a break for 4-6 weeks. The GHRP 2 peptide intake is allowed with no restrictions of age and sex, and certainly on an empty stomach (at least 30 - 40 minutes before a meal). The peptide GHRP 2 is best in combination with the peptide CJC 1295 (Mod GRF) or DAC CJC 1295 More information about this chain can be found here
Side effects and contraindications
Clinical investigations and practice same as reviews of GHRP 2 show that it is safe for the human body and almost has no contraindications. 30 years of the study confirm the properties of peptides and their beneficial effects on the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus of the brain. Attractive prices of GHRP 2 should not become a motive for the uncontrolled use of the preparation. Since excess of the daily dose may cause an increase in cortisol and prolactin in the body, which is highly undesirable for bodybuilders.
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